How to find what version of ubuntu i have?


Ubuntu version installed on your system is important for several reasons, including ensuring compatibility with software, applying the correct updates, and following specific troubleshooting guides. Ubuntu, like other Linux distributions running the Linux kernel, is regularly updated with new versions that include enhanced features, security patches, and bug fixes.

If you’re unsure which version of Ubuntu you’re running, there are straightforward methods to find out, whether through the command line or graphical user interface. This information will help you manage your system more effectively and ensure you have the right resources for your specific version.

Ubuntu: An Overview of the Popular Linux Distribution

Ubuntu is an open-source, user-friendly Linux distribution based on Debian. It is designed to be easy to use, secure, and reliable, making it popular among both beginners and experienced users. Ubuntu is known for its graphical interface, wide software support, and active community. Here’s more about it:

Open-Source and Free

  • Ubuntu is free to download, use, and distribute. Its open-source nature allows developers to modify and contribute to its development.


  • It offers a smooth and intuitive interface, making it ideal for those new to Linux. Ubuntu also comes with a wide range of pre-installed software, including a web browser, office suite, and multimedia tools.

Versatile and Secure

  • Ubuntu is used on desktops, servers, and cloud environments. It provides strong security features, including regular updates, built-in firewall, and easy-to-apply security patches.

How to Find What Version of Ubuntu You Have

To check the version of Ubuntu you’re using, you can use one of the following methods:

Using the Terminal

  • Open the terminal and type the following command:
lsb_release -a
  • This will display information about your Ubuntu version, including the release number and codename.

Checking in System Settings

  • Click on the System Settings or Settings option.
  • Scroll down to About or Details, where you’ll see the version information displayed under “OS Name” or “Version.”

Using the /etc/os-release File

  • Open the terminal and run:
cat /etc/os-release
  • This will display details about your Ubuntu version, including the version number and other system information.

What is the use of the Command Line?

The command line, often referred to as the terminal, is a text-based interface that allows users to interact directly with the operating system. Unlike graphical user interfaces (GUIs), where you navigate through menus and windows, the command line requires users to type commands to perform tasks.

While it may seem daunting to beginners, the command line is an incredibly powerful tool that provides control over the permissions a user has, offering several key benefits and uses.

System Navigation and File Management

1. System Navigation and File Management

The command line allows you to navigate through your file system and manage files and directories with precision and speed.


  • Navigating Directories:
    • Command: cd /var/log/
    • This changes the current working directory to /var/log/, where system logs are stored.
  • Listing Files:
    • Command: ls -al
    • This lists all files and directories, including hidden ones, in the current directory, with detailed information such as permissions, ownership, and modification dates.
  • Creating and Deleting Directories:
    • Command: mkdir new_directory
    • This creates a new directory named new_directory in the current location.
    • Command: rmdir old_directory
    • This removes an empty directory named old_directory.

2. Installing and Managing Software

The command line is often the most efficient way to install, update, and manage software packages on Ubuntu.


  • Installing Software:
    • Command: sudo apt install gimp
    • This installs the GIMP image editor on your Ubuntu system.
  • Updating the System:
    • Command: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
    • This updates the package lists and upgrades all installed packages to the latest versions.
  • Removing Software:
    • Command: sudo apt remove gimp
    • This removes GIMP from your system.

3. System Administration and Configuration

The command line is essential for system administrators managing Ubuntu servers and workstations. It allows for configuring system settings, managing users, and controlling services.


  • Managing User Accounts:
    • Command: sudo useradd username
    • This creates a new user account named “username”.
  • Setting File Permissions:
    • Command: chmod 755 script.sh
    • This sets the permissions of script.sh to allow the owner to read, write, and execute, and others to only read and execute the file.
  • Managing Services:
    • Command: sudo systemctl restart apache2
    • This restarts the Apache web server service.

4. Networking

The command line in Ubuntu version is invaluable for configuring and troubleshooting network settings in Ubuntu, especially on servers where GUIs are not typically available.


  • Checking Network Configuration:
    • Command: ifconfig
    • This displays the network configuration of all interfaces on your system.
  • Connecting to Remote Systems:
  • Downloading Files:
    • Command: wget https://example.com/file.zip
    • This downloads a file from the internet to your current directory.


In conclusion, knowing the version of Ubuntu you have installed is essential for maintaining your system, ensuring compatibility with software, and following accurate troubleshooting steps. Whether you prefer using the terminal with commands like lsb_release -a or cat /etc/os-release, or accessing system details through the graphical User interface, identifying your Ubuntu version is straightforward. This information empowers you to keep your system up-to-date, secure, and compatible with the latest applications and features. Regularly checking your Ubuntu version can help you stay informed about the state of your system and plan for any necessary upgrades.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1.Can I find the Ubuntu version without the command line?

  • Yes, you can use the System Monitor for a graphical overview.

2.What if the lsb_release command doesn’t work?

  • Check if the LSB-release package is installed, or use the /etc/os-release file instead.

3.How often should I check my Ubuntu version?

  • It’s good to check periodically, especially before upgrading or troubleshooting.

4.Can I find the Ubuntu version through software updates?

  • Yes, software update tools often show the version of Ubuntu when checking for updates.

5.What if I’m running a customized version of Ubuntu?

  • The methods above will still work, but the output may include additional details specific to your customization.

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